Registration closes this week

Hi Everyone!

The Academy Registration closes this week, we have another Live Welcome Q & A Thursday evening for those that could not make the first one since folks are still signing up. So next week we will officially get rolling!!!

If you have not yet, check out the last blog where I gave you the first assignment for those who will be following along with the classroom blog curriculum.

If you are seeing that your dog is recognizing their reinforcement markers let’s add it to a Name Recognition game! So this week, BEFORE you click or say your marker word, say their name. The moment their head turns and their eyes meet yours hit that reward marker (click or your “yes) and then immediately reward. If they are a few steps from you, you can toss their reward to them!

So, your pup is laying on their bed, or walking by you, say “(their name)”, they look at you, you click or say “yes” (or whatever your conditioned marker word is) and then toss them the treat, or give it to them if they have run to you expecting a reward. Be sure you start when it is easy and they are not distracted!!! As they catch on you can wait until they are mildly distracted to say their name.

Don’t worry if you just joined in and have not yet started the first exercise building your reward markers! It is a very easy quick process, so head to the previous blog and check that out.


Let's GO!!!


First Homework Assignment