Not sure which class to take? Check out the Academy which includes all of these classes and more!
The always popular Dog Reactivity Class
An information packed self study course on Dog Reactivity Behavior Modification
A learn at your own pace class. We dive deep into the techniques of handling reactive dogs, behavior modification, classical and operant conditioning, obedience skills, as well as decompression techniques for dogs AND people! Understanding body language, brain chemistry and all the technical science broken down into everyday language. Plus access to a private social FB group for feedback and support.
With your purchase you receive access to the website classroom as well as being able to join a free private Facebook group where you can post videos for instructor feedback for the next 6 months, after the 6 months you retain access to the FB group for as long as FB exists.
In this content packed course you will learn not just the techniques of behavior modification to help reactive dogs, you will also get a deep dive into the psychology of dog reactivity for both people and dogs. This class is designed to help give you the tools needed to get you off and running facing your dog’s reactive states and to set you up with a clear road map of how to progress even long after the course has ended. This is a self paced class, where the content is available for you to progress at your own pace at times that are convenient for you. All training methods are done using classical conditioning and positive reinforcement, while it is not conditional that any one type of training collar is used, do know that I do not use e-collars or prong collars so if you use them you will not be given advice specific to their application and I won’t be able to answer questions about using them. I personally would not choose to use these tools in any of my training but leave that decision to you, just know I won’t be able to advise you so if you are looking for that I am not the trainer you are likely looking for. We go deeper into the reasons why I do not choose these tools while diving into the psychology of reactivity and look at how suppression differs from modification, so my positions are based on the science not on personal bias and as such I do not discourage anyone looking to learn more from joining even if they use tools I would not.
Hiker Pup Foundations for Perfect Puppies!
A comprehensive self study program on raising the ideal canine companion.
SELF STUDY COURSE including over 80 video tutorials, written instructions, training plans.
EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT RAISING A PUPPY, training your New Dog or refreshing your dog’s foundation skills!
Basic obedience exercises like sit, down, stay, come, leave it and loose leash walking. As well as discussions and lectures on all of the common behavior issues that come up with a puppy: potty training, chewing and mouthing, jumping up, etc. Discussions on socializing, building play through engagement, basics of puppy behavior shaping.
With your purchase you gain access to the website classroom for 1 year and an invitation to a private FB group where you can post homework videos for feedback and ask the instructor questions for 6 months. After the 6 month period you retain access to the FB group indefinitely.
Hiker Pup Get Engaged Class
It’s time to learn how to unlock your dog’s potential to get engaged and connect with you using rewarding play and bringing your reinforcements to life! If you want to move beyond the need of always carrying treats and toys, you need to learn how to bring the deeper connections through while using them. This class is designed to help those struggling to get their dogs to enjoy play or with lower food drive. The quality of your training matter what you want to teach is directly related to how easy or hard it is to get your dog to engage with you!
With your purchase you gain access to the website classroom for 6 months. Access to a private FB group for feedback and coaching is included for those 6 months. After the 6 months you retain access to the FB group indefinitely.
We look at ways to combat common issues; getting a dog interested in objects when they won’t play with toys, increasing a dog’s food drive, dogs that want to possess toys rather than share them with you, interactive play vs over aroused play, how to move from play into training seamlessly. I have many tricks up my sleeve to help you learn what turns your dog on. Access to a private FB group where you can share your own videos for feedback and coaching is included!