Cooperative Care & Fit Dog Fun
This weekend we start up some new classes! I’m not going to give you a lot of leading homework as I want us to work on most of these things together. But I will give you a couple things you can get a head start on for our cooperative care classes.
Exercise 1: chin rest
Chin rest is a key cooperative care element and one you want to work on with your dogs! You can visit the Cooperative Care module for more details on getting the chin rest started.
Start Buttons:
We are diving into start button training. You can visit the Cooperative Care Modules. page down below chin rests to the first Start Button pairing exercise.
We will be working on the first exercise from the animal husbandry section on the Cooperative Care Modules.
If you are attending the Fit Dog Classes this weekend be sure to check out the Fit Dog Level 1 Week 1 & 2 Modules as the exercises we will work on are in those modules. You don’t have to have the fitness equipment, see the event calendar for what things you might find useful for the class.