The Hiker Pup

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Classes this week

What’s on tap for this week in our live zooms?

Thursday Afternoon:

Cooperative Care Continues

For this session we will be working together on advancing the exercises we have worked on so far: Chin rests, start buttons & the bucket game. There will be no new exercises this week, just a continuation as we build duration and continue to create our positive patterns.

Thursday Evening Cooperative Care

Time: Apr 27, 2023 04:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 878 9939 2109

Passcode: 850110

Agility Handling

We have *just enough folks to go for this, so if you can’t make it please let me know! This is more of a workshop style class where I show you exercises to work on and we discuss handling techniques for you to work on when and where you have appropriate space. We will talk through working on side change techniques and building your dog’s confidence in their skills. You can then use FB or email me videos of you working on the exercises if you have any trouble and need help.

Agility Handling Foundations

Time: Apr 27, 2023 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 812 0796 1376

Passcode: 894114

Saturday Morning:

Fit Dog continues

We will work on the exercises for the 4th & 5th weeks in Level 1:

  • Fold Back Down

  • Cavalettis

  • Pivoting on a pedestal

Fit Dog Level 1

Time: Apr 29, 2023 08:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 0508 3082

Passcode: 754969

Next week we have Nosework starting up, more Foundation classes and a Recall Workshop!

If you have struggled getting going and are looking for inspiration to get going again, come to the recall workshop!!! Summer is just around the corner and now is a great time to get those recalls polished up so you can enjoy those summer adventures!!!