
Once our dog understands how to target our hands with us sitting we need to work on getting our bodies into other positions as you cannot assume that because a puppy will bring something to you sitting means they will with you standing, so we need to teach them sitting and standing it’s still the same game.

So your next goal is to get your dog’s to deliver to your hand whether you are sitting or standing.

It’s Christmas week so you can play with the fetch games or you can just enjoy the holidays and have fun without feeling the need to keep up. I would love to see some photos on our Facebook group or tag me on IG of your pups enjoying the holidays! Maybe them in their holiday costumes, or opening presents. Let’s see you get creative with making their presents into an enrichment game! The recent zoom class we did on indoor games should give you some ideas 😉.


Contest Time!


Adding distance and a start set up to fetch