New Group Classes
No Saturday Classes in August:
I will not have Saturday Classes in August, we will start back up again in September. The month tends to be a time not many folks attend weekend classes as they take their last summer vacations, so we will start back up in September. I will add more class topics this Fall as we move into a time of year people are usually more available again. And I think we have some more new puppies in the group!
Foundation Agility:
I will be offering 4 week classes on getting started with dog agility at home. This class will be the introduction level and you can join in with any dog as the level of challenges will not be enough to cause a lot of physical stresses. The starting course is designed to be able to be done at home or in your yard as we will be breaking down the performance of each obstacle we work on rather than running any kind of drill requiring more space. If there is enough interest in this class I will happily offering increasing difficulty levels as folks get into it.
For this agility course I am requiring that you attend all 4, it’s ok if you have to miss one, if you watch the recording and catch up. The exercises will build on each step so it’s too hard of a class to jump into if you haven’t done the earlier classes (you are welcome to watch and observe, but it will be too hard for me to catch folks up working the class if they don't start with the group).
The class will be offered 3 different times, so two weekday options starting in August and then Saturdays in September. The classes will be mostly the same, if more people in a particular group have more experience that might change that class a bit 😉.
You will need to come up with some equipment to use for this class if you want to stick with it. I’ll add some resources here for you from easy DIY to better quality things you can buy.
What you will eventually need:
2 jumps
a plank (12in wide, longer than your dog’s standing body)
weave poles
a tunnel
You can start by just simply putting a broom stick on something like chair legs, milk crates, books, etc - you just need to be able to raise it 8 or so inches off the ground so the dog needs to step over it. If you plan to stay with agility it would be nice to get some more efficient jumps to use for training.
Here are some links to DIY PVC jumps:
If you want to make it easier by buying some of the pieces - like the jump bar holder, and base pieces:
If you think you will stay with agility these are my favorite jumps and what I have at home, they fold down are portable and easy to bring to a park, etc. Plus easy to store all folded up:
You can go to the hardware store and get a 1x12 whatever length that best suits your needs. It needs to be as long as your dog is standing so they can be completely on it standing. If you have space longer is better 🙂. If you want to make it more grippy and similar to a rubberized contact I glue on the spongey shelf liners they make for the kitchen, or the non-slip runner rug mats.
They do sell contact trainers that you can buy and use if you want something easier to use and store here are a few options:
Weave Poles:
You can make weave poles by using PVC placed over a stake you put in the ground, you can use electric fence poles (they are white, allow you to step them into the ground and are about the height of a weave pole) that you can get at most feed stores.)
If you want to buy a set these are my favorites:
These ones are really nice and super versatile:
You can also find some little agility kits that are ok to get you started, if you do get into the sport you will outgrow those quickly though.
You do not need to go out of your way to get a fancy tunnel. Most dogs learn to love tunnels easily, it is nice having something to get you started with. You can even just make one if you have some large cardboard boxes. They sell kids tunnels at a lot of toy stores. Many playgrounds have tunnels. You do not have to get a tunnel for the class, we can make due with making something at home, like a little blanket fort 🙂.
Something like this can be nice to have:
If funds are limited the two things most needed are jumps and weave poles, those both take practice to be good at and both require body movements that when practiced they get faster and more efficient with. Planks and tunnels are fun but you can get by without them.
Before you start:
If you have not yet, visit the tricks modules and work on getting your dog touching a target!