
With 4th of July just around the corner and heading into summer when we have a lot more noise and activity outside, let’s take a moment to talk about working on sound sensitivity with a desensitizing program.

Be sure to listen to the Zoom recording of the workshop I did a few weeks ago.

Be sure to consult with your veterinarian about having medications on hand incase they need it.

Be sure to be working on sounds now, even if they have never shown issues with them before, it’s far easier to stay preventative!

Have a plan, where will you go with your dog if they are panicking over sounds?

Interior rooms without windows or doors work the best.

Play white noise.

Make sure your dog is exercised.

Don’t leave them home alone.

Here is a link to a playlist of different sounds you can use to work on it.

Remember: start with the volume all the way down, gradually clicking up one click at a time over many sessions. If your dog is spooking or reacting it’s too loud, turn it down. Ideal DS the dog is not registering they notice or care. Play while feeding, playing, training and having fun.


