Nosework and puppy shaping

Let’s work on imprinting target scent odor!

You need a container to hold your scent sticks, either a small tin, glass jar, plastic container with small holes.

You can begin by having the scent source in one hand and treats in the other, present the target odor, when dog checks the container switch your hands and feed a treat, then switch and present the target odor, and repeat 4-5 times.

You can also put the target odor under a colander and when the dog drops their head into the colander you drop treats into the colander. Keep feeding at a steady pace with the goal of keeping the dog’s head in the colander. Feed 8-10 treats, repeat 2-3 times during a session.

You can watch both techniques here:


2-3 session imprinting your target odors

Try a few hides where you hide the target odor and treats together where the dog can reach the treats as soon as they make the find, place the treats directly on the target odor.

Puppy Training & Shaping

Here you can watch me to a live training session where I introduce Leo to the box game. As well as me working on the Down Cue, Roll Over, Chin Rest and Play.

Homework If you want to follow along as I work with Leo:

  • Introduce the Box Game (after you have conditioned the clicker if you have not done so yet.

  • Down

  • Roll Over

  • Chin rest

Here are more detailed videos on teaching these:


Container searches. Stays & Place


Nosework & shaping