
 Meeting Invitations For Bark Commanders

To access the invitations for zoom meetings, click on the date and class above in the calendar and it will take you to that event where you can find the zoom invitation, as well as information about the class topic and what you need to have ready for the session. You can also add the event to your google calendar.

30 Minute Zoom Scheduling link

For those who are scheduling month to month for your one on one zoom appointments here is a link for you to schedule you next sessions.

1 hour Zoom Scheduling link

For those of you who paid for the one year subscription you get a 1 hour private Zoom, you can use the link below to schedule. You have all year to use your free session, the schedule will be updated with more or less options each month as people book, you can book up to two months in advance.

Zoom Recordings

Studies Referenced in the workshop

Noise Sensitivities in Dogs: An Exploration of Signs in Dogs with and without Musculoskeletal Pain Using Qualitative Content Analysis


Two novel genomic regions associated with fearfulness in dogs overlap 

human neuropsychiatric loci


Prevalence, comorbidity, and breed differences in canine anxiety in 13,700 Finnish pet dogs
