Gearing up...
It seems like we've hit that point in the planning process where time speeds up and suddenly it feels very close and a sense of planning urgency has hit. So a few updates!
- The blog has been quiet as I spent all of November down stuck in bed battling some severe neurological episodes that took a lot of time, $ and strength to bounce back from. It set everything a bit behind schedule but I am quickly getting back on track.
- I've almost completed my gear kit, just a few more items and once they are here I'll do some posts and videos about what I'm bringing.
- I am still launching the fundraising campaign but am further behind on getting that going than I had hoped to be by this point. But luckily I work well under pressure.
- Hard at work getting my training going, lots of daily miles, and big weekend miles.
- Resupply plan is nailed down, hiking with a dog means relying on mail drops as finding her high quality food is not as easy as meeting my needs.
- Be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel I am doing Training Videos every Tuesday 10 minutes or less!
- We're now Honey Stinger Brand Ambassadors!!!