Let's get started!
For this week we have several classes coming up depending on what your focus is!
For those of you just getting started with young puppies we will have a group class Saturday morning (pacific time) where we will work on the basics together starting with: sit, down, stand, leave it and puppy recall. You can visit the foundations for more details if you want to get started and practice before class. If you are struggling we can work through things together on Saturday. Thursday afternoon there is also a foundations class focusing on technique.
If you are joining in on our Tricks classes, offered Tuesday morning and Thursday evening (pacific time) we will be working on: Hold, Sit pretty and orbit/pedestal. Visit the Clicks and Tricks for some more details if you want to get started and also I will be showing you broken down examples of the training and helping walk you through the steps in class.
For our reactive dogs we will be talking about understanding reactivity, classical conditioning, understanding the look at it game and the engage/disengage game and going into things in more depth as a group. It helps to listen to the lectures in the Reactivity Modules and the videos on understanding thresholds and classical conditioning. Don’t worry, you won’t have to have watched them to follow along, but they may answer many of your questions.