Welcome to the Academy!!!
where you can participate in training challenges are upload videos for instructor feedback and coaching, It is not required that you join but to get the most out of the community aspect of the Academy I strongly recommend it! When you join the group it will ask you for the password which is the same for joining this class. Nick2020
TO ACCESS THE Other classes
You can use the class links at the bottom of the website, when you click on them it will ask you to enter the password. Passwords are case sensitive. Please do NOT share the passwords with anyone without my permission, doing so is stealing and will result in your removal from the program! Special permission maybe granted if you contact me and let me know why you need to share it.
Reactive Dog Class password: butters2020 (case sensitive)
Get Engaged Class password: Emily2020 (case sensitive)
Perfect Puppies password: Karen2020 (case sensitive)
Beginning Clicker password: Clickfun2020 (case sensitive)
Clicks and Tricks password: Sam2020 (case sensitive)
Each Class also lists a Private Facebook group for that class you can join, those links are on each class homepage. If you join the academy group first once you are approved when you request to join the other two groups it will automatically approved.
Don’t feel like you have to join all of the classes at once and get overwhelmed. You have access to them for the whole year. All classes are set as learning modules on the website that you can access at any time after the class has begun and the corresponding FB group will be where students post their homework submissions and ask questions.
To anyone taking this course that is in the business of producing pay for content online courses, please be aware all content is copy written and is intellectual property, taking these materials and sharing them as your own is not only illegal it’s really crappy. I purposely keep all of my classes as affordable as I can so that as many people as possible can get access to high quality dog training and taking advantage of that to procure materials for your own business is stealing. I have paid tens of thousands of dollars and a lifetime gathering my knowledge and course materials. I am happy to help mentor any new trainers and want you here to learn, but I am not here to make it easier for you to take my business model and materials so you can directly compete with me. Please respect that and don’t make it harder for me to reach the people who need help. If you write blogs and share materials online with your students and followers and wish to reference exercises you have learned during this class, please contact me for permission.