Roll Over

This one is really best done lured and is all about hand position and getting them to twist their heads to follow your lure.

  • The first step is getting your dog to lay over on their side in a down position. You can in the video how I lure this pup into a down, once she is down I take my food along her side towards her rear until she rolls over onto her hip and is no longer in that position with both hips tucked under her. That is step one so work on that until your pup easily rolls onto a hip for you.

  • The next step is luring their heads to twist over their backs, you can see in the video how I am moving the lure just behind her neck so she is able to track and follow the food. Try at first to keep their noses in contact with the food.

  • For a bigger pup or adult sometimes at this head twisted stage you can help them by putting your free hand under their front paws to make it easier for them to push off of your hand to turn with the treat.

  • Be patient, some dogs are going to take longer to get comfortable flopping onto their backs.

  • Once your pup is readily following the lure all the way over work on moving your lure hand further away from their noses.

  • Don’t add the verbal cue until the pup is following your lure hand at least a 3-5 inches away from their noses.

  • Continue to fade your lure, moving your hand closer to you and away from their noses.

Here is an example with a young puppy named Panda and also a very old crappy video of Emily learning. She was ridiculously fast at this.