Leg Weaving
This is a fun little trick that really promotes staying close and focused on a handler’s movement. Having dogs be comfortable being very close to you can really help your heel work and also as a way to keep a dog active and focused which can help when you want to move inside the house but want them also staying calm.
You can see with Tara in the clip, some dogs find it very odd initially to get underfoot when we spend a lot of time teaching puppies not to trip us and to be mindful of our space so for some polite dogs you will have to teach them it’s ok to pass through your legs. Watch how I work that through with her when she is hesitant about following the lure.
Personally I also lure this trick vs shaping. Why? because I run agility and trail run with them and I don’t want them ever offering impeding my space ;) This is invitation only behavior. But you absolutely can shape this trick as well.