Reactive Dog Home Page
Scroll down and use the buttons below to access each of the training modules.
At the bottom of the list is the button for the FB Group, if you have joined the main Academy Facebook Discussion group it will automatically approve you for all other groups, if you did not join the main group use this password when prompted when joining: HPA2021
Think of the modules as your text books for the Academy, a master reference where you can get written & video instructions for each other the exercises.
The Academy Classroom blog will be where you can find my suggested path working through the modules. I will be taking us through the exercises, taking bits from each class and helping you meld them together. But if you prefer you can work any module at your own pace. You can post homework videos and ask questions on any of the Facebook groups at any time during the year. You can set your own syllabus if there is a class you prefer to work without waiting, but I suggest not doing so if your dog is young, new to you, or in need of a more solid foundation. This is why you might see some of the exercises repeated, because there are some that overlap in all courses and I want to make sure folks get those if they are working on their own.
People all have their own best ways of taking information in, so you will see that each exercise is explained in writing, shown in video demonstration, with verbal explanations and then if you learn by doing you can upload videos of you and your dog doing the exercises for me to provide you feedback.
See the page on filming, editing and uploading tips for help on making that process easier for you!
If you are not in the Academy FB discussion group monitor the Classroom Blog and Zoom Room so you don’t miss updates and meeting opportunities!