Welcome to the Clicks & Tricks Class!

To join the Facebook group please use the following link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/611025149711500/

The password is the same one you used to sign in to this class: Sam2020

Unlike many of my other classes where I release content on a weekly basis, with this class I will be dropping the content all at so you can pick the order of things you want to work on. Also, via the Facebook group you can also work on any tricks you would like to even if they are not here and post your work so I can provide feedback to help you better accomplish your goal even if it’s not a trick we cover in the group. Also, keep in mind there are many ways to teach the same tricks, so these are just suggestions of ways I work on them, but you are more that welcome to work on things in a way that already works for you and again you can share video of your work if you want me to offer ideas on how to improve.

If you are not sure what you should be working on head over to the FB group and ask for suggestions.

I am keeping the class content up all year and you maintain access so don’t stress over it. Just have fun! I will be releasing another series with more tricks later in the year and will be adding a few more to this class that I’m still working on editing video for.

Is it ok to work on multiple tricks at once? Yes, but do keep it to just a few and try to work on very different ones at a time instead of similar ones so it’s easier for your dog to tell what you want. So for example I don’t want to simultaneously work on shake hands, wave and sit up as this is all too close. I don’t want to work on cross your paws at the same time as touch your nose. So try to do maybe one trick that’s front paw driven, another rear paw driven and maybe a lured trick so that it’s easier for your pup to tell what you want them to start offering. Usually I work a few at once but have them all at different stages of learning so that ones already one cue are easier for them to know I want something different once i’m not asking for that anymore.